What is Counted Cross Stitch?
Posted by Donna Zuna on May 29th 2019
Counted Cross stitch ~
Counted cross stitch is very simply creating one little 'x' at a time by following a pattern, also known as a chart. The pattern is made up of symbols. One symbol is a stitch, and each symbol represents a color. This craft is called counted cross stitch, because you count how many symbols of a color you stitch. When the symbols are stitched, a picture or design is created.
Here's an example of a pattern on the right. Each symbol (in this example numbers are used for the symbols) represents a color. A cross stitch pattern will tell you what color to use for each symbol.
Here are the symbols and colors for this pattern:
2 = Violet
3 = Blue
4 = Yellow
6 = Green
7 = Red
If you start the pattern in the top left corner, you would start with symbol 2 which is violet. Looking at the pattern, you see starting from the top left corner there are 4 stitches in violet. The next row has three stitches in violet, the next row has two stitches in violet, and the next row has one stitch in violet.
Now remember, there are different thread types to use, different fabrics to use, and different methodologies in stitching a pattern all of which will be explained in more detail in other areas of the site. This is just a basic pattern to explain the concept of counted cross stitch.
Here is a computer mock-up of what the pattern will look like once stitched.
Counted cross stitch can take some concentration, but it's amazing to see colors come to life on an empty piece of fabric!
The best way to get started with counted cross stitch is to buy a small kit to see if you like the craft. A small simple kit will come with all the materials you need to complete a project.
You can also start with an easy pattern and some fabric and floss from your craft store. While most large craft stores don't carry a large selection of kits, they usually have fabric for beginners and floss.
The Fall Quilt Basket and the Turquoise Diamond are perfect for a beginner.